Retro Version
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Last updated
Wing of Misadventure is a game that has been in development since 2015 and has had many versions (not play-to-earn). We are a team that has been in the field of online games for years without partners or investors and our commitment to always keep Wing evolving with the money the project earns has proven itself over the years.
2020 (Retro)
Steam proves our ability to keep players active without the need for the Play-To-Earn model.
Amount of players online AT THE SAME TIME in the active development period:
Date | Players Online | Twitch Viewers
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The latest non-play-to-earn version is version 2.0 which we named "Wing of Misadventure Retro". This version will continue on Steam
The profits of this version are divided as follows (excluding country taxes):
-60% for the development team
-40% for the Community Treasure.